Episode 58: Superman/Batman Apocalypse

Superman/Batman Apocalypse

Not truly the Apocalypse, but perhaps a sign.

After a short break in regular shows, we are back with another Tooncast Beyond crossover feature. This time, we’re taking a look at Superman/Batman apocalypse. Based on the Jeph Loeb comic with illustrations by Michael Turner, this animated adaption is about the introduction of Supergirl into the post-crisis universe.

We’re not too crazy about the Turner-inspired art style. The story is…okay, if not for the total pussification of Darkseid.

And could someone please, PLEASE knock Jeph Loeb’s dork out of his hand whenever Batman is involved in something?!!? There’s no way Batman should be in a battle against an army of Doomsdays. I don’t care how underpowered they are. they were killing Amazons! Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!!!

Batman wankery

Okay, look people. Batman is a badass. He's taken on beings many times his strength and won. But under no circumstances should he be holding his own against an army of Doomsdays!

Super Chin

Seriously! What' with Superman's face?!??! Oh yeah... Michael Turner.

Battle Armor Batman

Battle Armor Batman - Only $29.99!

Wonder Woman and Kara


Wonder Woman

On the other hand, does Wonder Woman EVER look bad? I mean, aside from the JMS version.

Episode 55: A Crisis On Two Earths

Just bring it.

Get away from her, you bitch!

Tonight, we continue with our crisis of two podcasts! Tooncast Beyond and Animation Aficionados sit down together and talk about perhaps the best DC movie yet, A Crisis On Two Earths. Featured on this episode are TFG1 Mike and Steve “Megatron”.

In a story originally meant for the DCAU, the Justice League meet their match. Literally! A heroic version of Lex Luthor leads them to a world in which the super powers, dubbed the Crime Syndicate, are evil. What follows is an exciting, non-stop rollercoaster of an action movie. We highly approve of this one, and we think you will, too.

Minor spoilers in this episode. The bad guys lose. Bet you didn’t see that coming.

Show Topics:
Martian Manhunter’s costume sucks
A crisis of infinite turtles
Mind sex
Super Woman’s costume is awesome

Bonus Show Topics:
Rankin Bass cartoons
Rerun killed Peanuts
There’s no business like snow business

The Crime Syndicate

I'll take number 3.

Episode 50: Wonder Woman!

Nothing to lose your head over...

Nothing to lose your head over...

Tonight, we continue our crossover with Tooncast Beyond, discussing the DC Animated original… Wonder Woman! A total palette cleanser after last week’s bomb.

-Girls naked in a pond, splashing each other playfully
-Neil takes a long time to process the film
-Steve Trevor fapping in the bushes
-Tom Wilson is an awesome stand-up comedian

Bonus content topics:
-PC gaming
-Sega CDX: The battery muncher!
-Saturn and Neptune
-Yugi Naka’s head is up Uranus

Episode 40: Dungeons and Dragons

Most dishonest DVD cover ever.

Today's episode is about a CBS program based on a popular role-playing table-top game. Fortunately, this is not that program.

Why would we start a series of episodes about the Sunbow era with a show that had absolutely nothing to do with Sunbow? Because we like being thorough, and it’s just easier to throw a few unrelated shows that are worth talking about under a larger banner. …And because we’d rather talk about a good show than Charmkins.

Today, we’re joined by Pablo Praino once again to talk about the beloved Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series. Before Transformers. Before GI Joe. Before even Muppet Babies. This show excited kids back in the early 80s with awesome adventures, funny characters, and outstanding animation.

As a special bonus, we have a commentary of the first episode at the end of our show!

Topics discussed:
Panty shots
Eric is our hero.
Dungeon Master is an asshole.
Doors that are big enough for your dragon
Thieves and ninjas are too edgy for children, apparently.
The DVD for Mazes And Monsters is blatantly dishonest.
It’s a kooky movie anyway.
So is Jack Chick.

The Dungeons & Dragons ride!

...because you remember the Dungeons & Dragons roller coaster back in 1983, right? Of course you do. They were all over the place!

Eric the Cavalier

"You guys have got it all wrong! The real culprit is... RED HERRING!"


Hilariously out-of-context picture

Believe it or not, this is nothing compared to the real horror of the Dungeons & Dragons movie. There's a Wayans Brother in it!


Tragically, when the Thief upgrades, he BECOMES the Ninja. The poor guy just can't catch a break!

Episode 38: Reboot and Heavy Metal

In today's episode, we blow up a doll house!

In today's exciting episode, we blow up a doll house!

Today’s very special episode of Animation Aficionados is a 2-in-1! We had two episodes with a short running time, so we just smooshed them together.

In the first episode, Fes of Webcast Beacon joins us to talk about Reboot, the first ever totally CGI program produced for television. Part way through the show, JT from Saskatoon joins us to give the kanuck perspective on this Canadian production.

We then shift gears completely and talk about Heavy Metal and Heavy Metal 2000, side-by-side! Hal Hefner joins us for the second segment as we look back on an awesome movie and its mediocre sequel. We talk about awesome music, hot chicks, and exploding doll houses!

Neil’s disdain for “classic CGI”
Tech demos
Beast Wars blows
Plastic hair
Illegal (space) aliens
Carpets matching the drapes
The worst CGI character of all-time
We owe Fes a cookie
“When you listen to fools…”

The Cast of Reboot

Reboot's character modeling may have been cutting edge for its time.


No, this isn't a scene from a bad PlayStation game.  This is actually from Heavy Metal 2000!

...But was it really any better than this?



...or this???