Episode 118: We Double-Checked, Filmation Still Sucks

Fat Abbot

The show this is from is better animated than anything Filmation ever did.

“Inspired” by a recent altercation over something completely irrelevant, Ben and I tread over some familiar ground and stomp all over Filmation a second time. We talk about some shows so unimportant that we don’t even remember their names, and we mock the overuse of stock footage for which Filmation is so remembered.

In a bonus round, we also talk about the next Ninja Turtles crossover. Seriously, one was enough.

Episode 105: GoBots: Battle Of The Rock Lords

Battle Of The Rock Lords

Powerful Living Rocks

The Kittyhawk returns for another SHITTY MOVIE NIGHT! This time, it’s Gobots: Battle Of The Rock Lords. Guess what. We hated it. But you benefit, dear listener, because you get to listen to us riff on it for an hour.

In 1986, another transforming toy robot movie was released to theaters. Yes, I know. Transformers, Robotech, and Gobots all in one year. What were these companies thinking?

Battle Of The Rock Lords was meant to kick off a Gobots spin-off, the Rock Lords, powerful living rocks! This film is the only recorded attempt to kick off a series which never actually took place. Not only did the Rock Lords grind to a halt, but so did the Gobots. The Gobots were dead and buried months before the Transformers movie followed its lead in theaters.

This film features the talents of Telly Savalas, Margot Kidder, Roddy MacDowall, Michael Nouri, Frank Welker, and Peter Cullen.

Walking and talking
Sticker faces
Toy-accurate designs
Riding on a lava boat
Hanna-Barbara’s B-Team
Leader-1 is Jimmy Carter
Turbo is the Gacy clown
Scooter saves the day
Telly Savalas neither knows nor cares who Cy-Kill is
Margot Kidder passed up Superman III for this
The Rock Lords theme is utter butt rock
Gobotron vs Unicron


Not actually from the movie. Look how much cooler Fitor looks in Japan!


The true evolution of Scooter.

Episode 103: The Disney Afternoon

Disney Afternoon Gang

The Disney Afternoon Gang

Hey! We’re here again with The Chu from Raizap and Rick from The United States of Geekdom. We’re talking about the Disney Afternoon. We’ll be going through the block from its earliest inception all the way to when it fell apart. It’s eighty minutes of us talking about furry bait characters, chipmunks dressed like Magnum PI, and Jim Cummings.

Next week, we’ll have a special Black Friday episode. Don’tcha dare miss it!